Building Your Financial Future Step By Step

When you partner with Integrated Financial Management, your road to financial security begins with a Mutual Discovery Meeting. It’s the beginning of a comprehensive fact-finding process that will give us a deep understanding of your goals, your tolerance for risk, and your desired lifestyle. Here is our five-step financial planning process:

Discover. This step can include several meetings. The end product is a Planning Profile that details your values, goals, resources, and needs, as well as your key advisors, relationships, interests, and preferred investing style.

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Recommend. We create your Investment Plan, a detailed document explaining the steps we think you need to take in order to put your financial future on sound footing.

Implement. We put your plan into action, making the investments and handling issues such as estate planning and business succession.

Monitor. A financial plan is a living document that requires constant oversight and periodic fine-tuning. We monitor the economy and the markets for changes that could affect your financial picture, and recommend adjustments to your plan accordingly. At the same time, we make adjustments in response to changes in your life situation.

Review. We tailor our communications program to your preferences, in terms of frequency of meetings and review sessions. At a minimum, you will receive monthly custodian statements, quarterly performance reports, annual tax reporting documents, and regular newsletters.